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Writer's picture: NEWTON1776NEWTON1776

I don't have to PRETEND to be a Democrat OR a Republican to DO THE RIGHT THING Doing what is right comes naturally with INTEGRITY, because my principles are universal, grounded in our Constitution and the Bill of Rights and have no relationship with a political party. My one agenda is to defend those rights with passion, equality, transparency & it should be. INTEGRITY is when a registered Republican, holding leadership positions in the Party stands side-by-side with Democrats, because it was the "right thing" to do. (pictured: Democrat candidate for Lt. Governor Valerie Ervin & I standing behind her, when her running mate for Governor Kevin Kamenetz died during the campaign and she was seeking ballot access to replace him). Despite receiving grief from the Republican Party, I stood firmly with her as the only Republican to publicly defend her rights to do so because it was THE RIGHT THING to do.

And when the Baltimore City election discovered "irregularities", I was the ONLY REPUBLICAN who stood with Democrats, Independents and Green party candidates seeking review by the state and Federal courts because it was THE RIGHT THING to do. Our collective efforts resulted in the election being


WHEN former felons having served their time had their voting rights restored by the Legislature, I joined with activists and interested others to ensure it, because it was THE RIGHT THING to do.

BECAUSE that's what INTEGRITY looks like! WHEN my friends around Maryland need support for legitimate social justice issues, that most always requires 'crossing' political party lines, I am there, when its THE RIGHT THING to do.......

All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. The number 1 principle associated with our rights as Americans further implies a vision of a 'just and fair society', if you work at it and as one in which all persons participate on an equal basis with others in economic, social, political, cultural and civil life. Our God-given "rights" come with huge responsibilities though and THAT starts with YOU & ME.........

As alluded to, the promise of the right to equality includes the following aspects:

  • the right to recognition of the equal worth and equal dignity of each human being;

  • the right to equality before the Law;

  • the right to be treated with the same respect and consideration as all others;

  • the right to participate on an equal basis with others in any area of economic, social, political, cultural or civil life......(providing you accept the responsibility that deserves those rights). None of which can be achieved without personal INTEGRITY. And never once did I stop being a Republican, a Conservative and a defender of the Constitution of the United States of America "For The People".....all of them. #NewtonSaidIt

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