News out of Georgia today December 18, 2023 is....:
Records of the 2020 election vote tallys don't exist anymore, missing, destroyed.
......seems I've covered that.......
(How long ago was it - 2020-21)❓🤔
"TODAY AUGUST 18, 2021 - For immediate release......
August 18, 2021.
TO THE ATTENTION OF:Members of the Maryland General Assembly:
It came to our attention a few years ago that Election voting information, documents and data is only retained for a maximum of 24 months and then destroyed at the discretion or direction of the State Board Administrator.
Accordingly, Maryland Election Law 2-106 describes “Records Management” (in general) that “The State Board and each local board shall maintain and dispose of its public records in accordance with the program for records management adopted by the State Board under Title 10, Subtitle 6, Part IV of the State Government Article”. (More times than you may be aware of the information most crucial to any review or legal challenge is destroyed first over other records and files of a more mundane nature).
Further, MD Election Law 2-106 describes the “Powers & Duties” of the State Board of Elections, that the Board “shall…..ensure compliance with the requirements of this article”. Among them, (9) “make available to the general public……information gathered and maintained regarding elections”; and that the Board is to “serve as a depository for elections documents, materials, records, statistics, reports, certificates, proclamations, and other information by law or regulation.” (Note this article was last “amended” effective December 1, 2011……indicating the process allows for changing it when the Legislature deems necessary or appropriate).
Additionally, there are other Md Election Law articles which address the subject of this letter as well. For example Md EL Law 3-505 focuses on “retention and storage of” specific records like “original voter registration applications” and that they are “open to public inspection……at all times when a local board is open”; but “may not be removed from the office except on order of the court; or for temporary removal solely for purposes of data processing”. (AND 3-506 according to 62 Op. Att‟y Gen. 396 (1977), the general public is entitled to inspect and copy registration records as they wish).
In our opinion, laws are funny particularly when they are sometimes "vague or ambiguous‟ they must lean to the benefit of the people rather than government. Legislatures have the power to change law and/or clarify law but the public does not. And so, we must insist that you, the members of the Maryland General Assembly “amend” our state's election laws to accommodate a candidate's challenge of election results and any voter's inquiry by preserving ALL related election material beyond the 24 month limit. Most cases filed with the State Judiciary often are dragged out beyond the 24 month deadline for destruction of records.
The public is entitled to free access under the Maryland Public Information Act (MPIA/PIA) and as these cases evolve more times than not after the back and forth between agencies, the courts, the Office of the Public Access Ombudsman, the records requested are no longer available.
We request that the law require that any information that has a remote relationship to any related filed case or documented investigative review of our elections that those documents and records MUST BE preserved until the conclusion of the action.
🔶 I am sure the members of our State Legislature have the ability to make this subtle non-partisan adjustment to the current regulation that will send the message to the voters of our state that you are fully engaged and support regaining the public's trust of our electoral process; after all, the primary duty and responsibility of the State Board of Elections is “that the conduct of elections should inspire public confidence and trust” (Md EL 1-201Purpose) And that should include what happens after results are made public and all controversies are settled.
👉🏼 Should you need any help crafting the language to STOP THE DESTRUCTION OF ELECTION EVIDENCE, we are at your service.
Yours very truly,
WILLIAM NEWTON – Research Investigator
Author – The MDRIEC REPORT &
♦️PUBLIC DISCLOSURE OF VOTER REGISTRATION ACTIVITIES.— (1) Each State shall maintain for at least 2 years and shall make available for public inspection and, where available, photocopying at a reasonable cost, all records concerning the implementation of programs and activities conducted for the purpose of ensuring the accuracy and currency of official lists of eligible voters, except to the extent that such records relate to a declination to register to vote or to the identity of a voter registration agency through which any particular voter is registered.
✳️NOTE: Maryland 20-20 Watch was the ONLY Election Integrity organization to ever address the subject of "retention" of ALL Election materials, records and actual ballots with members of the Maryland Legislature....
I suppose it could be said that everyday as more and more people become AWARE, the "news" can be considered BREAKING to them. All the more important to maintain and publish the "timeline" (as I do) so everyone can understand and see how the PROPAGANDA EVOLVES.....and how it appears to ECHO.
♦️Follow the propaganda and evolution of the misinformation and cover-up here from July 28, 2022.... (IT'S NOT NEW)‼️
Look at some of the press dates on the attached photos.
✳️(There are a lot of links INSIDE the old Reuters story linked below showing how they had to keep editing the story AFTER fact checking). 😎