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Writer's picture: NEWTON1776NEWTON1776

"BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE" said the King of Infomercials, Ron Popeil...... (long before Mike Lindell ever began selling pillows).

Let's be honest..... After the firing announcement of 60 people at the RNC, termed by the media: a "bloodbath", we have to take a look at someone that survived it and ask the question:





LAUNCH LIBERTY did this story

✳️ Let me save you the trouble - here's the post from April 7, 2021. 👇🏽



Let us loose those "lions of truth" and lay the table with the HYPOCRICY of the BCRCC.

The current schism within this disfunctional.and impotent body relates to an op-ed by one of their current APPOINTED members, Garrett Zahner.....and the body politic reaction.

*️⃣ ("Appointed" is significant because he has NEVER been elected to the position as a representative for Republican voters in Councilmatic District 5, merely appointed to fill a vacancy and also claims the position of Parliamentarian). KEEP THIS IN MIND AS I CONTINUE.

Zahner penned his op-ed for the Leftist newspaper, the Baltimore Sunpaper;

who was certainly eager to publish a commentary from a "representative" of the Republican Party that contradicted everything the GOP official platform stands for and supports. Wherein, Zahner basically says the GOP ought to be more like the Progressives and Socialists in the Democrat Party! Naturally, notable members of the Party who are community leaders were outraged and voiced their dissatisfaction. Of course, they have as much right to disagree as Zahner had to write it......

But the "rub" lies in the fact that Zahner is a sitting member of the Central Committee, the local county Party's ruling body. (And there are rules and protocols that VIOLATED the Bylaws about Press Releases, publications and the like and using your title; which is different from writing and identifying your comments as your own personal opinion).

The following response from YET ANOTHER (unelected) APPOINTED member of the Party Committee was to verbally assault and threaten a person on social media (a private citizen, a respected Conservative Republican and voter) simply because he disagreed with the op-ed's claims.

SO WHAT DOES THIS HAVE TO DO WITH the Baltimore County Republican Central Committee's hypocricy?

Just last year, the District representative and former Chairman (now a Vice Chair with the State Party) Al Mendelsohn publicly "spoke ill" of one of our County's State House Delegates and attempted to have him removed from office over an unfounded allegation. Mendelsohn went further by besmirching the Delegate at a State Party Convention. He pushed for and secured a Resolution against the Delegate at that Convention, while knowing full well that a Judge found "no evidence" linking the elected Republican State Delegate to an infraction of election law.

That same Mr. Mendelsohn along with his district's other representative, Joe Collins (who seldom ever follows the Party Bylaws and publicly shows no respect for Party Officers and Leadership).....both chastised, harassed, verbally assaulted AND even attempted to have ME REMOVED for expressing my personal First Amendment opinions on my own social media page, without using my ELECTED title, about Larry Hogan.

A select group of members from the BCRCC attempted a coup against yet ANOTHER ELECTED member in November 2020, and threatened him with "removal" because he too dared to publicly express his personal dissatisfaction with his own Republican Councilman, on his own social media page and without using his official title....

BTW including my own, there has been at least 7 RESIGNATIONS from Committee members over the last year because of the bias, personal attacks, disrespect.....protections for a select group who do NOT COMPLY with the Bylaws or uphold their sworn oath....."peppered" with actual illegal activities.....(yes that's infighting and evidence of dysfunction but goes to the larger issue of failed leadership at the top).

And yet another case of hypocricy and protectionism - after Kim Klacik overwhelmingly LOST her Election, she accused the Republican Lt. Governor (Boyd Rutherford) of a federal crime.....on public television! She accused him of colluding with Democrats of "rigging the election AGAINST HER"; without a shred of evidence❗

BUT THE BCRCC, which she serves on, DIDN'T ADMONISH HER AT ALL. Also, the BCRCC didn't address the other 5-6 ethics complaints filed against her by Elected Party members and others in leadership positions! (Choosing instead to cover it up).

ARE YOU BEGINNING TO SEE THE HYPOCRICY? How "some" people are treated differently than others.....and disrespected?

⚠️{footnote: Zahner was appointed to fill the vacancy of that ELECTED member that was repeatedly harassed by the same clique of individuals FOR EXPRESSING HIS PERSONAL OPINIONS about his own Councilman....that member ended up RESIGNING). Yes kids, this IS called hypocricy and "unequal treatment".

✅ So here's the deal......

Garrett Zahner not only has shown he is an embarrassment to the County Party Committee and the Republican voters, he's APPOINTED to serve, he also is in direct violation of the protocols for making public comments while identifying his Party credentials (in newspapers) without authority.

His personal opinions are one thing but should NEVER be associated as being the belief of other's in the Party organization. He retains the same First Amendment right as any other member....but does NOT have authority to speak for the rest of the Committee; or imply that he does by identifying his relationship.

He claims to be the "Parliamentarian" of the BCRCC AND State Director of the College Republicans but somehow doesn't display his ability to process simple rules. He is APPOINTED and not ELECTED to the County Central Committee, so arguably, he ought to have first stood for Election before he takes it upon himself to define himself and others on the Committee and what they "stand for", as his views are in direct contravention of the National Republican Party's (RNC) public platform.

At the very least, he should be removed from any leadership position until he is actually ELECTED.......admonished and given a set of Bylaws to govern his future conduct; which was standard procedure when I served. If this isn't acceptable to him, then he should be REMOVED from the Central Committee.

💥(What's funny - not haha funny - Mr Zahner was appointed to replace the Elected member who resigned after being repeatedly harassed for exercising HIS personal 1st Amendment right and who never used his title).

ADDITIONALLY, Zahner's other un-Elected cohort, Sam LeDoux, who tried to shout down and threaten Mr. Jay Walton, an Alternate on the Committee....Mr. LeDoux's aggression needs to be addressed immediately by the BCRCC Ethics Subcommittee and if removal is supported by the Committee, then so be it.

AND the Chairperson, Ms. Smero (who has abused her position on several other occasions to "blind side" members and supported attempts to undermine their positions, ignored duly filed ethics complaints and looked the other way about financial improprieties), should do the right thing and STEP DOWN......or a "vote of no confidence" taken against her for complicity and lack of trustworthy leadership.

I SHOULD ALSO POINT OUT......the BCRCC besides having an Executive Committee, it also has a Subcommittee hierarchy. There's the Ethics Subcommittee. The Organization and Rules Committee. The Communications and Outreach Subcommittee. WHO ALL APPEAR ABSENT DURING THIS‼️





✅ CHAIRMAN - Organization & Rules Committee

✅ CHAIRMAN - Maryland State Republican Election Integrity Committee

✅ Parliamentarian - BCRCC

✅ Author of the most recent updated Bylaws of the Baltimore County Republican Central Committee currently on file with the State Party and the State of Maryland Archives.

*️⃣ Anyone can of course DISAGREE with me but the FACTS and the TRUTH are what they are and NOT up for debate......AND NEITHER ARE THE GOVERNING RULES.




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Authority: M.J. Wolf - Treasurer

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