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Writer's pictureNEWTON1776


IT IS WITH IMMENSE AMUSEMENT to hear from Bradley Lang. He wrote:

"While I’m not aware of what’s going on in the Administration and Ethics subcommittee, it appears from this email that Mr. Newton does. For this reason, I will be submitting a complaint calling for an investigation into the apparent leaking of confidential information from that subcommittee. We must end our issue with leaking of confidential information (which consequently is again a communist tactic) as soon as possible.

Sincerely, Bradley Lang".

I DO HOPE Lang follows through on his call for an investigation "into the apparent leaking of confidential information from that subcommittee"..... SINCE, that meeting was attended by more than one person who does NOT serve on that "super secret" Subcommittee that's engaged in this cover up, there's little doubt ANY secrecy really does exist.

I GUESS HE'S UNAWARE that I received an email marked "CONFIDENTIAL" from Patricia Fallon, Baltimore County Republican Central Committee Chairwoman, wherein she divulged to me, ✳️ her version of what transpired in that all so secretive Ethics Subcommittee meeting. (I mean as the Chairwoman of the entire County Party, certainly she doesn't lie)! 😂

....see attached screenshot.

♦️ I am not a member under the jurisdiction or control of the Baltimore County Republican Central Committee and the leak of "confidential information" over the private deliberations within a Subcommittee to me IS THE VERY THING LANG SEEMS UPSET ABOUT ‼️ Perhaps he should take that up with Fallon. I also suppose Ms Fallon will determine SHE is "ABOVE THE LAW".

What's also amusing, Fallon DOES NOT HAVE THE AUTHORITY to divert or withhold the "review and recommendations" of the Ethics Subcommittee FROM THE ENTIRE MEMBERSHIP OF THE COUNTY CENTRAL COMMITTEE‼️

👉🏽 And clearly does NOT comprehend, the ethics violations outlined in the complaint ABOUT BRADLEY LANG are not just a breach of Party Bylaws, they're ALSO A VIOLATION OF MARYLAND LAW....

So it's irrelevant what the State Board of Elections will or won't do about it. It's still the responsibility of that Ethics Subcommittee to refer (recommend) internal charges against BRADLEY LANG TO THE FULL MEMBERSHIP OF THE COUNTY PARTY, who are solely empowered to decide Lang's fate for his alleged ILLEGAL activities AND for breaking Party Bylaws.....or to their detriment, underwrite and support those crimes alleged in the complaint.👇🏽

Some people are asking the question: Does Lang have some kind of relationship with "Hogman" (picture) because of those verified news stories covering the known pedophiles in the former Governor's orbit. But I don't know the answer....... I guess I'll have to wait for another "CONFIDENTIAL" memo. 😉

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